Nineteen athletes from Perla Gymnastics will compete in Tampa

Wednesday was a significant day for the athletes of Perla Gymnastics. They traveled to Tampa, Florida, to participate in the world’s largest gymnastics competition, the Gasparilla Classic 2024.

Miguel Angel Arrebola Ortiz, President of Perla Gymnastics, began by stating that they traveled with a delegation of sixty-nine people, of which twenty-nine are athletes. Their ages range from 8 to 14 years old. They will be competing at levels one to four. The competition takes place from February 23 to February 27.

Arrebola Ortiz continued to mention that the preparation was under the charge of Coach Jalimar, which was quite intensive. Since they went with so many children, the preparation was intense, covering every detail for each of the kids. Arrebola Ortiz is very pleased with the results.

The competition is significant, with the goal not only being to participate but also to provide the children with a sense of what it’s like to aim for the Olympics, Pan American Games, and South American Games. It helps them understand what it takes to reach these competitions.

As a team, they will work hard on the psychological aspect since the technical and conditioning parts are already completed. The psychological part is crucial, involving certain techniques to support the children during and before the competition. Team spirit-building, mental preparation techniques, and the final touches are essential to ensure they give their best.

Wishing success to the children and looking forward to further enhancing Aruba’s name!