DVG isn’t giving a good example to the public!

We’ve received a photo that has been circulating on social media, where we can see nine workers from the Public Health Department of Aruba (DVG) eating together at a table watching a soccer game in the airport’s VIP room. This on a Monday, where this same DVG closed down many establishments for not complying with social distance regulations during the weekend. An employee of DVG explained that since DVG and the hospital now offer Covid-19 controls at the airport, the VIP room is their ‘canteen.’ There is where they sit during breaks because they work long hours testing passengers who arrive in Aruba on daily flights.

That they chose the most beautiful space of the airport as their canteen isn’t the issue, but the bad example that they are giving by sitting with nine people at a table. The question is now: Will DVG receive a fine? That they published the photo on Facebook is a sign of their power, arrogance, and sense of ‘ we are the boss, and no one can’t do us anything.’

What is even worse is that there was a doctor in the midst of them. This same doctor sends out a message on the radio every afternoon asking people to maintain the social distance regulations. How can a doctor who is supposed to know better be guilty of not maintaining social distance during a ‘ happy hour’ with colleagues during working hours?

The community has been complaining a lot lately about the many restrictions that the Government has implemented recently to fight the spread of Covid-19. It is hindering the balance needed between public health and the economy. Businesses are going through an unprecedented crisis, and the additional regulations are making it hard to survive. It’s reprehensible that authorities are mocking the system and giving a bad example to the public and then goes out and threatens businesses with fines and closing down!