Angry and frustrated immigration workers

Today a group of immigration workers went to the Government’s office to deliver a letter expressing their dissatisfaction. 

Minister Andin Bikker, in charge of the Department of Immigration, received their letter. The spokesman expressed that they are tired of the situation that other departments are taking away their authority, as was the case during the arrival of a humanitarian flight, which DIMAS took over. 

Trahadonan di Migracion ta vocifera nan mal contento cu Minister Andin Bikker

Trahadonan di Migracion ta vocifera nan mal contento cu Minister Andin Bikker

Posted by 24ora on Wednesday, November 11, 2020

The letter contains signatures from almost all employees expressing their frustration with Mrs. Pope, who is in charge of this department. “ We do not want Mrs. Pope anymore. She does not know anything about immigration.”

They explained that because most of them are unhappy and angry, the productivity is low. They want to be heard so they won’t have to take any further actions that could jeopardize tourism. 

The Minister decided to sit with them at 4.30 pm to listen to their concerns.