DVG: Aruba counts 48 new cases of COVID-19 today

In accordance with the Department of Health (DVG), as of today there are 49 people who have recuperated, while 48 new cases of COVID-19 have been registered, of which 9 are non-residents.

The number of positive non-residents consists of non-residents who test positive at the airport upon arrival or those who test positive at the testing facility before departing from Aruba.

The total number of tests performed at the various locations, namely the hospital lab, private labs, and the airport test is 1022. The positivity rate among residents is 21%.

As of today, there are 285 active cases and the number of deaths related to COVID-19 raised to 71.

The hospital has informed us that of the 15 people they’re treating, 4 of which are in the Intensive Care and 11 are in the general internal COVID unit. Of these, 8 new patients were submitted since only yesterday. The mean age of those admitted for extra care is 63.