FECA organized workshop at Centro di Bario Brazil

Centro di Bario Brazil is very spacious and different activities could be organized there. For example, birthday parties, play games in the open air, like Mens Erger Je Niet, basketball, volleyball, and ping pong. All of these, but under the strict control of the board of C.B.B., making sure to follow all guidelines of DVG and KPA.

Recently, Fundacion Educador Consciente Aruba (FECA) organized the workshop ‘Siña bo yui respet.’ The workshop taught parents how to talk to their children, follow instructions, and do their chores. They also talked about teaching your children respect and also how to give respect.

For more information about renting out Centro di Bario Brazil for any event or workshop, call Inki at 5934453, Tricia at 7321875, or Mark at 7403137.
