Three detentions during first half-hour of the curfew

It was only the first half an hour of the curfew on Saturday night when police started noticing a lot of detentions. This took place near Saliña Cerca where various police units were attending to different people. Some were in vehicles, while another was on a scooter.

One of the people detained was the owner of Casa Tua and Bohemian at Palm Beach, who, while in handcuffs, explained to 24.ora that he had just closed the restaurant and was on his way home. He, along with a driver of a Mitsubishi Nativa and a driver of a Hyundai Tucson were detained.

While the police were waiting for the transport vehicle, a few other people were also stopped. Some of these were tourists trying to get back to their lodgings for the night, while another was a person who had proper documentation to be out during the curfew.