WEB not ruling out another possible blackout

In relation to the blackout on the 9th of June, Koolman points to the engines of the bigger plant. As indicated at first, the installation process adopted by WEB has its ‘teething pains’.

The incident was investigated to determine the cause and measures have already been taken to prevent a repeat incident. The failure is related to the electricity that powers the systems that run the fuel powered engines.

A project of this magnitude requires extra caution. WEB has a special department, Project Management, that learned to process the systems but the team has been faced with minor errors in the design which have not been detected yet.

Up until the incident, it was not noticeable that the system was not function 100% optimally. This has been investigated and the errors are being corrected.

The risk of a blackout remains present but one of the factors affecting operations is when ‘peak-hour’ is reached, the systems power the gas turbine which will then have to be fully analyzed by the second week of September.