More options for travel between Miami and Orlando

At time time, preparation work is in its final phase to introduce an electric train route between Miami and Orlando. This is an ultra-modern and lighter train service, with a speed of over 130 miles per hour. This electric train will be able to take travelers from Miami to Orlando in just two hours.

Passengers can board the train at Miami, Aventura, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton, or West Palm Beach. The train is already running in some of these cities, but the Orlando route will start at the end of July 2023.

Mark-Benson Denz, the director of for the American continent, had the opportunity to ride on the Brightline Train and take a tour.

Besides the option to travel to Orlando, you can also use the train to visit one of the cities in Florida. The attractive part is that each city has several electric shuttles that take you around the city. The shuttle will also pick you up to take you back to the train.

The Orlando route will cost $79 per person but there is a special package for a family of four, which costs $200 for the entire family. There are more than 10 different schedules to choose from.

Tickets can be purchased via the app or at the station.