Aruban Gymnastics Federation organized a gymnastic coach course

The Aruban Gymnastics Federation organized a course for local as well as international coaches. The goal of this course was to teach coaches how to teach gymnastics to all those who wish to practice the sport, ranging from children to adults. 

Milly Bagheri, president of the federation, explained that courses were given in the Club Gihae Gymnastics this entire week. These courses were not only for Aruba’s coaches but for others in the region as well. In total, coaches from five countries were present. 

These courses form the foundation to be able to improve gymnastics as well as a way to get it to as many people as possible. She went on to say that gymnastics is a sport that can be practiced at any age. Many think that only children participate in the sport, but “Gymnastics for All” hopes to get people of all ages interested in the sport. 

Bagheri expressed her gratitude to the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG) and the Union Paramericano for helping her with this course. 

These courses were only made possible thanks to the cooperation of FIG, the Union Panamericana, the Aruban Gymnastics Federation, and especially the participation of all the coaches both from Aruba as well as from other countries.