Father accused of abuse declared free

Early this morning, and earlier than was planned, a verdict was made in the criminal case against Eric Alexander Gamez, accused of sexually abusing his two children.

The verdict was scheduled for two weeks from now; however, the judge found it necessary to advance the sentencing date.

The judge began by reading all the statements of the minors and later stated that the court concluded that there is legal evidence that the suspect committed the crime. According to the law, to convict someone, the crime must be legally- and convincingly proven.

The court was not convinced that the man was the one who showed the children pornographic videos with the intention of later committing sexual acts.

There were discrepancies in the statements of the siblings. One mentioned two addresses, and the other mentioned only one location where the incident occurred. They claimed that the events took place when their mother went to the supermarket. The mother stated that it only takes her 20 minutes to go to the supermarket and back.

The court doubts that the father could allow the children to watch videos, go to the bedroom, undress, engage in sexual acts, and then redress before the mother returns in 20 minutes.

Therefore, for the court, the crime is legally proven but not convincingly proven, and the man was declared free. It is possible that the decision will be appealed.