Barriers fell onto cars at the Renaissance Bridge

Different areas have barriers set up to protect their property and shops during the carnival parades. This is done to prevent the entry of people who could cause disturbances. In the Renaissance area, among others, large gates were placed alongside the road. 

On Saturday morning, it was observed that more barriers were set up. They even blocked the pedestrian crossing, posing a danger to both locals and many tourists who needed to cross the street. The police seemed to indicate that it’s okay to block the pedestrian crossing. Logically, people would need to find another way to cross or look for another pedestrian crossing.

On Saturday morning, unexpectedly, the gates collapsed. It happened just as cars were passing by. The fall of the barriers caused damage to two cars. An alarm was raised immediately, and the company had to find a way to address the situation with their gates that fell due to strong winds on the bridge.