Truck pulls the main cable: several neighborhoods without internet and cable service

On Wednesday morning, a truck damaged a main cable in the area of Seroe Biento, near Wel Wel Bar and Restaurant.

As a result, cable and internet services went down in some of the areas, such as Paradera, part of Seroe Biento, Wayaca Residence, Sabanilla Abao, Cashero. This occurred at around 8:30 am.

By the afternoon, the problem persisted, and Setar technicians were working to resolve this interruption as soon as possible. This was because the damage to the main cable was larger than anticipated, as it pulled out an entire fiber box connecting different neighborhoods.

As a result, the affected neighborhoods were Casibari, Matividiri, Seroe Pita, Cashero, Sabanilla Abao, Urataca, Wayaca Residence, Esmeralda, Seroe Pela, Santa Cruz, Pavia, Vigia, Seroe Biento, Tanki Leendert, Modanza, Jaburibari, and Moko.

Several residents decided to contact Setar directly to get more information about what was happening and how much longer it might take before cable and internet services could be restored.

By 8:15 pm, several neighborhoods had their cable service restored, while others still had to wait a little longer.