Aruban government still struggles with ‘ghost officials’

Despite significant progress, the Aruban government continues to grapple with fully resolving the issue of inactive government employees referred to as ‘ghost civil servants’ or ‘ghost officials’. This can be inferred from Prime Minister Evelyn Wever-Croes’s presentation in the 2023 annual report. Although the number of inactive government employees has been drastically reduced from over eighty to less than ten, there remains a hardcore group for which no solution has yet been found.

These inactive civil servants still receive a salary but do not perform any duties. Some of them have been reassigned within or outside of government services, but a small group remains that has neither found a position nor resigned. “We have made great strides by reducing the number from over eighty to 9 by early 2024, but there remains a challenge with the last group,” says Wever-Croes.

The full Annual Report 2023 is available at: