Victims and parents must report abuse

Child abuse is a delicate topic. According to Erick Barry, a coordinator at Youth and Vice Police (Jeugd en zedenpolitie), often, shame or fear hinder the parents of victims from filing a report.

In child abuse cases, parents must go to one of the police stations, and depending on the hour, JZP will send someone to take the declaration. 

When you file a criminal complaint, an investigation will start. Will take declarations from witnesses with whom the victim may have shared the story. When abuse takes place, there is never a witness who saw something. Must then rely on the emotion of the victim. The declaration is then sent to the prosecutor, who will read the papers and decide if there are enough grounds for an arrest warrant.

Because this is such an uncomfortable situation, Bureau Sostenemi is now giving guidance to parents and the victim to facilitate the process of talking to JZP. Bureau Sostenemi has professionals to guide the victims. 

JZP is open from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, from Monday to Friday.