Parlamento Hubenil installed new board for 2020-2023

 The installation of the new board for 2020-2023 was a special day, according to Dave Martinus, president of the board of Parlamento Hubenil (PH).

It was an honor to be installed on a day like today, World Children’s Day. But also because it took place in the presence of the Prime Minister and the Minister of Social Affairs and Labor, Glenbert Croes.

It’s the start of a new period for Parlamento Hubenil. The board members have committed themselves to take PH to a new era, modernize it, but most importantly, to give the youth of Aruba a platform where they can express themselves and give an opinion. But also where they can advise the Government. 


Parliamentary Jennifer Arends-Reyes, commented that this day is special because it’s World Children’s Day. And to her, these rights apply to children up to 18 years. Parlamento Hubenil is the youth’s voice, where they can express their opinions, which is something fundamental and important for our country. She wants to wish the new board all the best with this new job. 

Prime Minister Evelyn Wever-Croes expressed that the board will have a difficult job to revive and modernize Parlamento Hubenil and take it to the next level. Participation of the youth is fundamental to the world we are living in. The Prime Minister will compromise herself to give PH a voice through regular meetings with the Government to discuss different topics of interest to the youth. She also expressed her desire to see PH interchange experiences with other Youth Parliaments of the region. 

“The members of the board have a beautiful job ahead of them. It will be challenging, but I’m convinced that you will achieve those goals with the drive you have shown.