Second case of Mutant COVID-19 was found in UK

UK registered 36,804 positive cases on Wednesday, its highest ever for this pandemic, the Government is talking about making decisions regarding stricter lockdown measures.

Another mutated strain of COVID-19 has been discovered in the United Kingdom, even as countries worldwide intensified efforts to prevent transmission of an earlier mutated strain of the virus from the island nation. Health authorities informed that this new variant of coronavirus possibly originated in South Africa.

While the first mutant was said to be 70% more infectious than SARS-CoV-2, this new strain is even more contagious than the first one. This new strain led to a large increase in infections in South Africa, and are fearing a much larger second wave.

Authorities in England informed that anyone who has been in South Africa during these last 14 days or was in contact with someone from South Africa must be quarantined immediately. Everyone arriving from South Africa was urged to isolate themselves and were informed that the UK would be issuing travel restrictions to South Africa. 

This new variant has everyone highly concerned because it is more contagious and seems to have mutated further than the first variant discovered in the UK.