Sharline Koolman( DVG): Mandatory quarantine for those returning from abroad

Arubians traveled a lot this season, and it seems as if they are importing the virus again. It wasn’t explicitly mentioned, but it has been noted that some of those who went abroad came back infected with the virus. During Tuesday’s press conference, the Government announced that they are planning on introducing mandatory quarantine for those returning from abroad.

Sharline Koolman from the Department of Public Health explained that she has traveled and made sure to follow all rules and protocols, both here and in the US. After testing negative upon arrival, she did not visit anyone for a few days to be sure not to spread the virus.

The Prime Minister has requested in the past to self-quarantine upon arrival from a trip abroad and to take all necessary precautions. “Avoid visiting anybody in the first days upon arrival in case you end up developing symptoms, even though you have tested negative.”

Sharline Koolman (DVG): Cuarentena obligatorio pa tur esnan cu bolbe di biahe

Sharline Koolman (DVG): Cuarentena obligatorio pa tur esnan cu bolbe di biaheClick e link pa mas:

Posted by 24ora on Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Last weekend, 9 people returning from abroad tested positive. 8 of them were in Miami, and 1 from the Netherlands. If someone tests negative, they could still develop symptoms after a few days.

Because of what’s mentioned above, they have suggested to the Crisis Team to implement mandatory quarantine. The number of days and the procedures still need to be determined.

The team of has understood that many new cases are Covid-19 cluster cases where people were infected by family members and those who traveled abroad. That is why they are asking everyone to keep following all rules and protocols.