Atan Lee: Aruba did not sink thanks to the Netherlands

We must be grateful to God that today we belong to the Netherlands, one of the world’s wealthiest countries. Imagine if we did not belong to the Netherlands, what would have become of us during this pandemic. 

We did get our Status Aparte, but all parties and politicians who have governed during the last 45 years of our Status Aparte left our country in financial ruin. They were the only ones who enjoyed all the privileges and enriched themselves, family, and friends.

We have discovered during this pandemic a country in devastating poverty, both the Government and the people. During 45 years, no Government knew how to store money for the hard times. In other words, make sure that Aruba has a reserve to maintain its head above water. The Netherlands was insulted, a medal was given back, threatened with independence, something that still lives in some politicians. They called the Netherlands colonizers, but it is thanks to the Netherlands that our country survived. Let’s hope that this new Government that will be elected in the Netherlands in March continues with this same intention.

The Netherlands is well aware that during the years after the Status Aparte, the politicians splurged the money, they borrowed money but with some conditions. Conditions with tied Aruba by the hands and feet. Aruba had to approve and sign two ‘rijkswetten,’ among them the reform body COHO, which authorizes the Netherlands total control of managing all areas of the country. For 7 seven years, we are practically a municipality of the Netherlands.

In September will be demonstrated how the people will continue voting for the traditional political parties that left a disaster in governance, a poor Aruba, without money, with poor people, but rich politicians. Remember that it’s with the money borrowed from the Netherlands that politicians continued earning their millionaire pension, and this year again, they are guaranteed a millionaire transitional allowance. And this is called working for the people?

Thank the Netherlands that today, Aruba can breathe again.