It was never the intention to create an illegal dump

For many years the Dump in Parkietenbos was one of the biggest environmental issues on our island. That is one of the reasons the government decided to shut it down on the first of January 2023.

Instead of being a solution, however, this has only made the situation much worse. many small dumps have been created all around the island, which is surely making the initial issue an even bigger problem. According to the minister of Nature, Ursell Arends said that the number of illegal dumps is not a new phenomenon, but that it has been around for quite some time. 

It has just been established that there are 43 ditches on the island, and now 7 of them are being used as illegal dumping grounds. This is retrieved from data dating back to 2016, and still, there has never been anything done to reinforce any regulations. 

They are currently in the process of preparing a TOR (Terms of Reference) to create an opportunity for a third party to come up with a bid as to how we can best go about sanitizing these areas.