After receiving multiple complaints: Minister Ursell Arends shut down the illegal dump in Matadera

As many already know, the dump in Parkietenbos has been closed since the first of January 2023 and since then a number of illegal dumps have started popping up.

Thursday morning, the Minister of Nature, Ursell Arends went to have a look at the illegal dump in Matadera, one of the many that have pooped up all around the island. This dump was on fire once again this week, which caused quite a disturbance for everyone in the vicinity. 

At the scene, the minister could see for himself how much of a hazard this is for the community as they continue to dump their trash in a place that is not designated for that purpose. He appeals to the public to keep Aruba clean by making use of the assigned areas to deposit their waste. Illegal dumps are unacceptable and will no longer be tolerated. 

The government departments all united their forces, both the Bureau City Inspector and DOW cooperated, and so Dijkhoff Cleaning & Services N.V. put their team to work to resole this issue.