Fatal accident: judge decreased the two-year sentence to a mere 6 months

The Preliminary Court met on Thursday morning to dictate the sentence in the case surrounding the fatal car accident that occurred on Watty Vos Boulevard on the 20th of April 2020.  This accident caused the loss of Robert Calmes. The night of the accident, the 22-year-old accused Lysander Hernandez was headed north when he rear-ended Robert’s pickup, fleeing the scene and leaving Robert dead and his wife seriously injured. 

After the accident, Hernandez decided to flee the scene on foot, without even going to check if there was anyone injured inside of the pickup who he could have saved!

The case was discussed on the 21st of September and the judge has just accused Hernandez of speeding, as he was reportedly going 122km/h at the time of the accident. 

Despite what was asked, the judge decided to sentence Lysander Hernandez to a mere 6 months in prison. This could mean that he does not even have to go to KIA. Additionally, he has to pay a sum of 6250 florins.

Hernandez now has two weeks to appeal the judge’s decision. He asked to substitute his 6-month sentence with community service, as he recently got a job and does not want to lose it. Hernandez was able to walk out of court a seemingly free man, which is strange, to say the least.