Gang shows up at school with knife in hand

Tuesday around 3:00 pm, teachers at La Salle College called the police for a gang of youngsters who entered school property and started causing problems. One of them had a knife.

Different police units arrived to attend to the situation. Three of them were arrested, and the police took the knife. The police took information from the director and other students who witnessed the situation. 

The Director of SKOA was also present at the school to attend to the school’s teachers and the authorities. It appears that some time ago, the aggressor of today found himself in a dispute with a student of that school in the area of Palm Beach Plaza, where he ended up with a broken arm. 

Reglamento di cuenta: Hoben cu cuchiu den man a bin busca problema na scol

Reglamento di cuenta: Hoben cu cuchiu den man a bin busca problema na scol. Click e link pa mas

Posted by 24ora on Tuesday, November 24, 2020