14 water meters disconnected by WEB

Thursday at 10:30 am, a group of workers from WEB, together with a debt collector and police, arrived at an apartment complex in Spechstraat. Alfredo Capello, the apartment complex’s famous teacher, and the owner explained that the second floor’s water pressure is terrible.  Because of that issue, the solution was to add a water tank for the apartments above. 

According to WEB’s policy, this installation is illegal because water must go directly to each apartment. All meters were disconnected to be able to fix the problem. All meters would be reconnected once the problem is solved according to WEB’s standard. Unfortunately, they came with authorities without any previous notice. Meanwhile, all residents of Spechstraat 6 will remain without water.

Mr. Capello explained that WEB wants to charge him 104 thousand florins for the 13 meters for the 21 apartments.  He kept insisting that he does not owe WEB anything. Furthermore, he always pays ahead. It’s because of the problem with the pressure that he came with this system. The apartment owner will seek legal advice to start a case against WEB.