Prevent child abuse

One of the best ways to prepare your children against the dangers of child abuse is by talking to them and make them aware of certain signs that could help them prevent an instance of abuse in the future.

Some tips:

· Talk to your children about appropriate and inappropriate behavior.

· Inform your child about the difference between a safe and unsafe situation.

· Teach them what to do when someone acts inappropriately and how to seek help

· Maintain open communication with your children, so that you – as an adult – can act when you identify their behavior to be out of the ordinary

· Ensure that your home is a safe space for your children

· Try to avoid leaving your children at home alone or with someone you do not know well enough.

· Always be aware of where your children are when they go out.

· Teach them about sexuality in a manner that is appropriate for their age, this should start at a young age with teaching a child that there are differences between children and adults.

· Get accustomed to referring to a child’s private parts what they actually are instead of nicknames such as ‘koekie’

· Educate your children that it is not acceptable for anyone to touch their private part without their permission, this should apply to their parents as well.

· What also helps is that you as a parent should monitor that your child’s relationships with the adults in their life are appropriate, such as with their teachers, babysitters, friend’s parents, sport’s coach, etc.

All of this could help in preventing child abuse by providing children with the knowledge they need to recognize danger when you are not there to do so. It will also make sure a child is able to develop a strong support network that will help them stay vigilant in delicate situations.

As an educated and careful parent of a child, you can learn more information and guidance concerning education and raising a child at ‘Tienda di Education’ or by calling 161, or by calling the Foundation for our Children at 588-0856 or 583-4247. For help or advice in educating against child abuse, you can contact ‘Fundacion RespetaMI’ at 582-4433. If you are suspicious of an instance of child abuse contact the Sostenemi Bureau at 588-1010 for help and advice. In cases of emergency, call 100.

For more information concerning child abuse please visit our website “The wellness and safety of our children is everybody’s responsibility” – Social Crisis Plan.