Group represents Aruba at the Panamerican Rok Cup Challenge 2022 in Colombia

A group of young Arubans adequately represents Aruba in the Panamerican Rok Cup Challenge 2022, taking place on the Kartodromo Laguna Viva track in Villavicencio, Colombia. Villavicencio is located roughly three hours from Bogota. On the 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th of December, the most important event of the year for karting will be taking place, the Panamerican Challenge.

Various participants from all over the world are taking place in this event, namely Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Merca, Panama, Aruba, Curacao, Colombia themselves, and  Venezuela. This event is considered to be important because it guarantees participation in other international events in the future. 

For example, if you place third, a majority of the costs for the event in Florida will be covered. The same applies to second-place winners, but then for Vegas, and if you win first place, you are allowed to participate in the Rok Cup Internacional in Italy. 

We wish them the best of luck!