Emmaschool teachers: Respect our rights

Special education teachers of Emmaschool met the labor unions SEPPA and SIMAR to ask for advice about their rights regarding merging their school and Paso pa Futuro this coming school year. 

The teachers requested this meeting with the labor unions to express their thoughts. Zuleika Wever, a teacher at Emmaschool, explained that this meeting was necessary to know their rights and make sure that what will occur is legal.

Emmaschool’s teachers were informed by the Minister of Education about the merging. There are no plans on the table, so there are many questions on how this merging will occur. The teachers are worried because they haven’t received enough information or specifics on how Paso pa Futuro will logistically fit in Emmaschool. And all of this must happen this coming new school year. 

Maestronan di Emmaschool: Respeta nos derechonan

Maestronan di Emmaschool: Respeta nos derechonanClick e link pa mas: http://24ora.news/2LZ4MQB

Posted by 24ora on Tuesday, January 26, 2021

According to Mrs. Wever, they are worried because both schools have a large team. Emmaschool has about 40 personnel and more than 100 students. Scol Paso pa Futuro is also a big school, so how will Emmaschool carry about 300 students, especially when Emmaschool is designed for only a limited number of students. They are now finding out if all of this is legally possible.