Prime Minister cancels her trip to New York

Yesterday afternoon at 3:52 pm, the Wever-Croes Cabinet Facebook page made a post to inform the public that the Prime Minister would be traveling to New York. Nevertheless, a little later that same day, the Prime Minister posted the following on her own personal page:

“This afternoon at 2 I should have been on a flight to New York to represent Aruba in the Kingdom’s segment at the United Nations, regarding Aruba’s progress and compliance to the environmental goals that were set. However, I had to cancel this to attend CAft & the Secretary of State, van Huffelen, and to tend to Government and Parliament issues concerning the internal affairs regarding CAft. At this moment, my presence is required in Aruba.

Additionally, as for the treatment we are receiving from the Netherlands, I do not feel like being a part of the Kingdom’s delegation under the slogan “Four Countries, One Kingdom”. The article was released before I had made my decision. I am determined to face this challenge as well”.